The Kushtia Times has already been able to establish itself as a name for recognised English weekly in greater Kushtia region. Due to unavoidable circumstances, its regular circulation was hugely interrupted. Running an English Weekly in print version from peripheral region requires huge determination and sacrifice on the part of the Editor and the Publisher. But some people do not easily give in. ‘Defeat’ is a word unfound in the dictionary of those who bear a strong positive sense of struggle. The idea of this English Weekly was the brain child of Dr. Amanur Aman. We only extended our supporting hands. We tried to reach the young learners of this region to help them develop their language through newspaper reading, subscribing local news to this weekly. We wanted to open up a window for learners where they can contribute news, views and write poems, stories or essays and thus find a profound interest in developing English language. The Kushtia Times Editorial body also launched reading forums at some learning centres in and outside Kushtia town only to draw the attention of young students. We beleive that if students read or write the news of their locality, they will find it more interesing and engaging. Even it opens doors to scholars of the region for sharing their views and ideas through this news weekly.
A number of years has elapsed since the publication of this weekly. The sudden Covid 19 pandemic which broke out a couple of months before has already brought a huge change in the whole scenario. Millions of people have died and nearly a billion of people have been affected by this Corona Virus. We deeply regret the loss that entailed the pandemic. We also pay our homage to Covid 19 fighters in and outside the country.
We know the educational activities of our students have been seriously hampered due to this crisis. In this changed scenario Dr. Amanur Aman has thought to reach our readers through digital platform. The Kushtia Times will now be available on digital platform providing 24/7 local, national and international news of importance and interest. This commitment also requires a lot of labour and concentration. I extend my heartiest thanks to the whole crew of The Kushtia Times for such an attempt. I also wish that this endeavour on our part will continue to cater to the taste of our readers. Once again The Kushtia Times is ready to open up new windows for young and mature writers in and outside Kushtia so that they can express their news, views and thoughts in English.
Editor & Publisher: Dr. Amanur Aman, M. Phil (IUK), PhD (NBU-Darjeeling)
Advisor Editor: Ajoy Maitra
Managing Editor: Shanaz Aman, Executive Editor; Mythos Aman
News & Commercial Offices: T&T Road, Thana Traffic More, Kushtia-7000.
Mobile: 01713914570, E-mail:
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