Jessore and Chuadanga district of Khulna division have been identified as red zones in 10 districts of the country which are prone to corona. A notification has been issued declaring a general holiday in those areas.
In the notification issued by the Ministry of Public Administration on Sunday night, a general holiday has been declared in the areas marked in the red zone from June 21.
The districts have been declared red zone are Chittagong, Bogra, Chuadanga, Moulvibazar, Narayanganj, Habiganj, Munshiganj, Comilla, Jessore and Madaripur.
There will be general holidays for different periods in the red zones from June 21.
According to the order, the leave will be applicable to all government, semi-government, autonomous, semi-autonomous, statutory and non-government offices, institutions and agencies residing in the declared red zone.
This leave will be applicable to all Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous, Semi-Autonomous, Statutory and Private Offices, Institutions and Institutions residing in the area declared as Red Zone and officers and employees residing in other areas.
The order also said that emergency services would be excluded from the scope of general leave.
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