The concluding ceremony of Kushtia Women Entrepreneur (Kunau) Product Fair has been held at Bat tola of Kushtia Municipality on Friday.
Kunau founder also administrator Jyoti Akhter presided over the ceremony.
Dr. Zohurul islam, founder of Private Rabindra Moitree University also Professor of Law at Islamic University was Guest of Honour in the event.
Eminent writer and researcher also Chairman of Sammilito Samajik Jote, a platform of 51 scoail organsiations in Kushtria also editor and publisher of the Dainik Kushtia and English Weekly The Kushtia Times Dr Amanur Aman was present as chief guest there.
Prominent businessman, social worker Kushtia District Awami League Treasurer Ajoy Sureka was present as Chief Discussant.
Director of the Kushtia Chamber of Commerce and Industry Zakir Hossain, Bird specialist SI Sohel, Advocate Muhaiminur Rahman Palal, Coordinator of Sammilito Samajik Jote was present as special guest.
The programme was conducted by Khairul Basar Towhid.
In the three days fair, total 34 stalls were set up.
The speakers told that a platform is needed to organise the women entrepreneurs of Kushtia so that they can work smoothly. A good environment also has to ensure for them.
Editor & Publisher: Dr. Amanur Aman, M. Phil (IUK), PhD (NBU-Darjeeling)
Advisor Editor: Ajoy Maitra
Managing Editor: Shanaz Aman, Executive Editor; Mythos Aman
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