Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Professor of Information and Communication Technology in Islamic University has been appointed as the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University.
With the approval of the President of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Chancellor of the University, Abdul Hamid, he was appointed as the Vice-Chancellor for the next 4 years in accordance with Section 11 (ka) (1) of the Islamic University Act 1980 (Amended Act, 2010).
Professor Rahman has joined on June 30 in the chair.
After joining, he paid homage to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s mural 'Mrityunjayi Mujib' at the university.
University Treasurer Professor Dr. Alamgir Hossain Bhuiyan was with him at that time.
Brief Biography of the Pro Vice-Chancellor /
Professor Dr. Mahbubur Rahman was born on February 1, 1963. After joining at the Islamic University as a teacher, he performed various important posts and duties there. He was a member of the syndicate of Khulna University and Islamic University. He is currently a member of the Senate of Khulna University. He was a member of the Regent Board of Pabna University of Science and Technology.
Professor Mahbubur Rahman served as the Director of the Institute of Islamic Education and Research (IIER). He also served as the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology and the Provost of Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Hall. He was the President of the Islamic University Teachers' Association.
He is currently the President of Bangabandhu Parishad of Islamic University. He has published 75 articles in various national and international journals.
Editor & Publisher: Dr. Amanur Aman, M. Phil (IUK), PhD (NBU-Darjeeling)
Advisor Editor: Ajoy Maitra
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