Amit Shah due to Petrapole / Import-Export halts for 4 Days at Benapole

The Kushtia Times Report/ 952 Share
Update : Monday, October 21, 2024

The import-export activities will be suspended at the country’s largest land port Benapole for four days due to the inauguration of a modern ‘Passenger Terminal’ at India’s Petrapole. The Home Minister of India Amit Shah will inaugurate the terminal on Thursday.

The Petrapole port authorities, through a letter issued by port manager Kamlesh Shahni, have informed that no import-export activities will take place at the Benapole-Petrapole port from Tuesday, October 22 to Thursday, October 24.

Deputy Director (Traffic) of Benapole Land Port Rashedul Sajib Nazir has confirmed the matter.

Quoting the letter, Rashedul Sajib Nazir said that on the day, Amit Shah is expected to participate in several other events in addition to the inauguration of the Passenger Terminal.

The import-export activities will go live from Saturday morning, day after the weekend vacation of Friday.

Imtiaz Ahsan, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Benapole International Check Post Immigration, mentioned that while the letter from Petrapole authorities stated the suspension of import-export, there has been nothing included on Indian immigration regarding the passenger movement.

Besides, in preparation for Amit Shah’s arrival, the security beefed up across the entire Petrapole border area. Indian BSF and police forces have been placed on standby, Nobody is being allowed inside the area without proper identification.

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