Now we are again on our platform. But it is now in a new fashion. When we started our online journey, our journey was with only taking print version on the online platform. Our print version published in the night and was seen on the platform in morning. Here we were remained absent with our readers all day long rill the next morning come. Now we have brought big change. We will upload our print version in time as it was and but our connection will not be detached with the readers. Because, in our new arrangement, we have opened up a digital platform where news, views etc. will be uploaded at every moment just after it happen anywhere.
Our special attention is on our readers. We were committed that.
The world is being changed, desires of the people too. We want to meet this desire.
We hope, all our readers and well-wishers will stay with us as it was in previous. Thank you very much. Stay safe.
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