February 22, 2025, 11:07 pm

Schedule of admission on HSC published

The KT Correspondent 1807 Share
Update : Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Inter-Education Board Coordination Sub-Committee on Monday (July 20) has published the detailed schedule of online admission in class XI for the 2020-2021 academic year.
According to the published schedule, online application for admission will be accepted from 9th August to 20th August. However, the online service and call center will be closed on National Mourning Day.
This time, the development fee for admission will be reduced to a maximum of Tk 3,000.
Many colleges do not require development fees. Even then the institutions are collecting that fee from the students. Again, some colleges may need to collect fees. In such a reality, fees will be fixed in this sector. But no more than three thousand can be taken. The matter will be mentioned in the schedule.
This time, college admission fee cannot be taken for more than Tk 5,000 in MPO registered institutions, maximum Tk 9,000 in semi-MPO registered or private institutions and tk.10, 000 in English version. The rules will be published before August 9.
The results of the students selected in the first phase will be released on August 25.
Students will have to confirm the selection (if the student does not confirm, the selection of the 1st stage and the application will be canceled) from 28th August to 30th August at 8 pm.
Applications for the second phase will be accepted from August 31 to September 2 at 8 pm.
The results of the 1st migration will be released on September 4 at 8 pm according to the order of preference. The results of the second phase of the application will be released on the same day (September 4) at 8 pm.
Confirmation of Selection of Second Level Students (Selection and Application of 2nd Level will be canceled if students do not confirm) from 5th September to 5th September at 5 pm.
Applications for the third phase will be accepted on September 6 and 7.
The results of the 2nd migration and the results of the 3rd stage application will be released on September 10 at 8 pm according to the order of preference.
Confirmation of student selection in the third stage (if the student does not confirm, the selection and application of the 3rd stage will be canceled) from September 11 to September 12 at 8 pm.
The final results of the college will be released on September 13 at 8 am.
Admission will run from 13 September to 15 September.
A student has to apply to at least 5 colleges in order of preference. However, you can apply to a maximum of 10 colleges according to the order of preference. Will be nominated for admission in certain colleges according to merit and preference.
Students need to apply online. And money can be paid through cash, Sonali Bank, Teletalk, bKash, Sure Cash and Rocket.
All the students, teachers, parents, concerned operators have been instructed to complete the admission process following the hygiene rules for admission in the XI.
After the results of SSC and equivalent examinations were released on May 31, the admission process was supposed to start centrally in the first week of June, but it was not possible due to the closure of educational institutions due to the coronavirus.
A total of 20 lakh 40 thousand 26 students took part in the examination in ten boards. Out of which 16 lakh 90 thousand 523 students have passed.

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