February 24, 2025, 12:40 am

Kushtia bureau of a Meherpur Daily inaugurated

The KT Correspondent/ 2034 Share
Update : Sunday, June 21, 2020

Writer and researcher also editor of Bangla daily the Dainik Kushtia and English Weekly the Kushtia Times Dr. Amanur Aman inaugurated the bureau office of Meherpur based daily newsppaer the Meherpur Pratidin Tamizuddin Super Market in Kushtia.

Dr. Aman said, the newspaper is the mirror of the society. The importance of newspapers and journalism in the development of society is immense.

“I believe that daily Meherpur Pratidin, like local or national newspapers, will play a courageous role by providing objective news on various regional crises, problems and possibilities every day,” he said. 

He also mentioned that it is a matter of great pleasure to publish a newspaper from a small district like Meherpur and to spread it in the surrounding districts.

Meherpur Pratidin Editor Eadul Momin, Joint Editor Al-Amin, Managing Editor Mahbub Chadu, Chief Reporter Murtaza Faruk Rupak and Meherpur Pratidin Kushtia Bureau Chief SM Jamal gave short speeches.

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