A Kushtia court has sentenced a physician to 15 years rigorous imprisonment in a drug case filed in 2015. The convicted Asaduzzaman Firoz was a medical officer of Bheramara Upazila read more
The Assistant High Commissioner of India to Tajshahi Rajshahi, Bangladesh Sanjeev Kumar Bhati said the opening of an Indian visa application and processing center in Kushtia will be considered with
Idols were being constructed on the occasion of upcoming Durga Puja of Hindu community vandalized in two temples in an intervals of 13 days in Kushtia. This time it happened
The vernacular and top most circulated Bangla daily in Kushtia the Daink Kushtia has received primary official approval to carry out an online portal with its regular print edition. The
Youth Power Community, a social platform of young people in Kushtia has distributed foods among more than 100 street children and disadvantaged people under the project of “Ahar” initiated by
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