February 22, 2025, 10:51 pm

Jashore education board introduces online form fill up for SSC exams

The KT Correspondent 458 Share
Update : Sunday, April 11, 2021

Due to the ongoing corona situation, this year the Jashore Education Board has given the opportunity to the SSC (school secondary certificate) candidates to fill the form online at home. Software has been developed for this purpose. Form filling is going on today (Sunday). It will continue till April 22.

The board officials said the initiative has been taken out of concern for the safety of the examinees as the incidence of corona may increase again. The board authorities have already held several meetings with the headmasters of the schools under the board to get acquainted with the initiative.

Professor Madhav Chandra Rudra, Controller of Examinations of the Board told that, it is not a new matter where about 100% of the services of the Board are provided online. A new addition to this. He said there would be no problem.  Because the ID of the educational institution will be associated with a system. And since the fee of the examinees is accepted through the bank by mentioning the items,  the matter will not create any uncleanness even for the parents.

According to the developed software, there will be an option of SSC-2021 on the main website of the Board of Education. Students or parents will open the option via mobile phone or computer while sitting at home and a link message will be sent from there with the student’s mobile phone number.

“If anyone give the registration number of the student in that link, the page for filling his form will open,” he said.

According to the registration of the board, there will be all information of the student filling the form. There will be an account number of Sonali Bank for payment of fees. This is the school’s bank account number. There will be a total amount to be deposited including board fee, center fee and school session charges, salary or arrears separately. The form will be completed by depositing money through bKash or mobile banking or through Sonali Bank’s Sonali service.

Once the whole process is completed, the school authorities will submit the final form of all the students to the board.

Senior officials of the board are hoping that about 2 lakh candidates of the board will dill up form in this way.

Many school authorities have also welcomed the matter.

Mostafa Kamal, principal of Ramanathpur School and College in Khoksa upazila of Kushtia, said most of the activities of their board are done online. This is to their advantage.

Everyone is benefiting from the new system, according to him.

Secondary Education Officer of Shailkupa in Jhenaidah district Shamim Ahmed Khan termed the matter as very timely.

The Education board chairman Professor Dr. Mollah Amir Hossain was contacted, he said it is the first such step in the country. It has awakened me a lot in this corona risk.
He said many teachers were a little worried about the issue at first but after being informed of the whole process, they are now very active.

Dr. Amir said the system would benefit students, parents, the board and even the government through the whole process.

Preeti, a student of the science at Shomaspur Secondary Girls’ School in Khotsa Upazila of Kushtia, did not come to the school and filled the form in her reading chair.

She said it is very simple and effective.

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