Kushtia Deputy Commissioner monitors market operation

The Kushtia Times Report/ 595 Share
Update : Friday, January 17, 2025

The District Commissioner (DC) of Kushtia Mohammad Toufiqur Rahman conducted market monitoring at Borobazar area in the town on Thursday.
The monitoring conducted in a bid to control the rising prices of essential commodities and prevent excessive stockpiling.
The district’s task force committee carried out monitoring activities.
Sources said, the monitor was also a part of inspecting what the DC announced on December 18, where he declared to reduce the price of all types of rice produced in the district by one taka per kilogram at the mill gate.
Earlier, rice mill owners agreed to this price reduction during a consultation meeting with the DC. However, the decision has not been fully implemented.
From the mill gate to the retail market, rice is still being sold at the previous prices and in some cases, the prices have increased further.
Currently, Miniket rice is being sold in the retail market at Tk. 77 to 78 per kilogram.
During the monitoring, DC inspected the market to verify the prices of various goods, reviewed wholesale and retail price lists of essential commodities, examined purchase receipts, and monitored profit margins.
He issued strict directives against any syndicates attempting to inflate rice prices and instructed traders not to engage in unreasonable profiteering that could lead to price hikes. He also urged everyone’s cooperation to maintain price stability.
The District Commissioner stated that the Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) has been tasked with overseeing the matter. Any irregularities reported through the monitoring report will be addressed promptly.
Present during the monitoring operation were Kushtia’s Superintendent of Police Mizanur Rahman, Additional District Magistrate Jahangir Alam, Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Partha Pratim Shil, and District Food Controller Al Waziur Rahman.

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